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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Edition  CBS  February 4, 2011 6:00am-7:00am EST

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it's friday!
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>> it's 6:00 and 25 degrees on tv hill. we have weather and traffic all morning long for you. sharon in a moment and marty, right now. let's look at how the day will square away. we'll see a nice sunrise and moisture is advancing our way. that's going to be a cause of some minor concerns later on. meanwhile, this day is going to be calm. 39 at lunch and going to a high of 40. we'll have clouds and 31 this evening. >> this has been a dry drive. >> yes, it's been a dry drive. we have a few problem. we have a vehicle fire on 295 in the northbound lanes approaching 198. it's blocking the left lanes and causing delays. another accident coming into us on west pratt street and south green street. also watch for fire activity in the city at harbor alley. there's possible lane closiers
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there. there's the speeds around the beltway. you can see everything running at full speed. that's a speed sensor that's working there. everything's looking good on the beltway. we can take a live look outside. that's the topside and that's problem free. there's a look at 95 and o'donnell. we don't see any problems there. there's a look at the spaghetti junction and 395. no issues. wjz is always on, you can always go to don, back to you. here's what people are watching closely today. a trial that followed a young pit bull -- today, jurors head back to the courthouse. wjz and andrea fujii are live outside right now. >> reporter: good morning, don. jurors were prepared to deliberate the charges throughout the night. at 10:00, the judge told them to go home and come back this
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morning. jurors haven't reached a decision in the case of phoenix. she survived for five days after a city patrol officering covered her in a sweater. that sweat and other evidence is gone. -- that sweater and other evidence is gone. >> i'm afraid they might walk. they might get off. because the baltimore city police didn't take this seriously. not until phoenix's death. >> reporter: during the trial, the prosecutors showed three running from the seen. they identified two of them as the brothers. the defense attorneys say it's not their clients and key evidence was inproperly stored. >> this is a learning case for the city. i say that in terms of the citizens and in terms of them
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taking abuse seriously. >> johnson is with family and friends. he spit at the camera last night. he's held in jail on an unrelated attempted murder charge. the jurors will be back at 9:00 a.m. to resume the deliberations. they were reviewing the video as of late yesterday. it took four hours to find a working video player to watch the tape. a man is accused of sexually abusing a 5-year-old. he abused the girl in october. he knows the child. he was reportedly on probation at the time of the abuse. he's facing a number of charges this morning. some new information just in on a story we followed overnight. a greyhound bus was hijacked in north carolina. one of the passengers pulled out a gun and ordered the bus driver to give him control of
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the coach. he was later on arrested when he pulled into a gas station. there's no word on his motive. will he fly to the space station or stay in houston with his wife? that's the decision facing mark kelly. later on today, he's going to announce if he'll command the final mission in april. there are reports that he will. there's speculations that he won't. gabrielle giffords continues to make progress in houston. pressing for dialogue in egypt. governments are demanding an end to the violence there. injured people are everywhere you turn. the egyptian president wants to resign but feels he can't. >> reporter: this is the day that the protestors want mubarak gone for good.
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they've declared it a day of departure. they're going to demand his mediate resignation. mubarak wants to quit, but fears that would bring in more chaos to the country. opponents and supporters squared off. troops created a buffer zone between the two sides. it didn't last long. even for the doctors, the mission is personal. >> i will not leave this place until mubarak go away -- or i die in this place. >> reporter: the obama administration is talking about ways to resolve the crisis. the discussions include having mubarak step down now instead of when the term expires in september. hillary clinton condemned the violence and called for a smooth transition. >> they expect a meaningful
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process that yields concrete changes. >> reporter: the lawmakers turned up the pressure. >> stop the blood letting. let's start a peaceful transition to a free and open society. >> reporter: on the streets, few are listening to the calls from the outside world. >> and there's concern at the walter's art museum. it's opening an egyptian exhibit in 2014. they're concerned about the egyptian artifacts. the toll to drive on bridges could be going up. the toll could go up 75 cents. the transportation authority needs to hold public hearings
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first. in sports, a bigger and better orioles could be on the horizon. that's the hope. this morning, it was told that he narrowed down his choices for playing or sitting down or retiring all together. this sunday, if you're planning on watching the super bowl, what will go with your game. city's best released a poll. this is the number one food will be eating. it's chicken wings! they were the favorite in every american city accept for in california. it was tied with chips and dip. >> so, bill baitman is going to have a good weekend? >> yes, among others. >> i want to go to the ronster
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now. we were talking about bill baitman. he'll be on coffee with in a few weeks. you're getting ready to tell us, this is the busiest weekend of the year? we're talking corn beef? >> yes, and listen to this. a ton, yes, a ton of corn beef on sunday. how's that grab you? >> that's a big party tray! >> believe it or not, i would think that st. patrick's day, well, maybe even july 4th would be better. >> this is it, that's correct. super bowl sunday, that's the biggest day of the year. >> how about these. this is james. >> hey. >> i like the black bottoms. >> looking good. >> i told him to just say bottoms. but they're called black bottoms. >> we're coming back and we'll
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tell you more about super bowl sunday. that's when the eyewitness news rolls on. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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in mid-don -- in midtown, 65% humidity. it's clear and cold, areawide. we have the upper teens in western maryland. 25 hagerstown and downtown. 21 elkton and upper 20s, easton and pax river. mid-20s in columbia and rock hall. i want you to understand, this low bringing this moisture up the east coast is also bringing in mild air inland by 100 miles. at this time of the morning, look at how little snow and ice there is. we'll have a mix of rain and sleet tonight. the overnight low is at midnight. it will rise overnight and 80%
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of the storm is the chilly, foul rain in the area. this is going to be a real cold, wet day tomorrow. we'll have a bit of a mix early on. if you look at the profile of the atmosphere, it's not cold from the ground up. there's not the support needed to cause a lot of concern with the overnight and tomorrow morning. western maryland could get the day off tomorrow. i'll tell you this as we look at the forecast. we have problems in the future. 40 is the high today. 30 overnight and here's the overnight and rain mixing with sleet. the early in the day is early in the actual calendar day. we'll go for a high of 40. monday and tuesday, we'll tell you, i'll hear a lot about this over the weekend. some lows won't be a union. they won't be able to strike
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with force. that's inconvenient on the east coast. we're calm at the end of the five day look. all of long range models, watch out thursday. this far out, we're all agreeing, something will happen thursday. throughout the weekend, log online, go to and check out the broadcast. four warned, this is from us. and here's what to watch out for this morning. we can tell you to watch out for a vehicle fire blocking a lane on 295 approaching 198. it's blocking the left lane. watch for an accident in the city at south green street and fire activity in the city as well. possible lane closiers there. taking a live look outside at the topside of the beltway, we're seeing more volume there. everything's still looking good in and out of the fort mchenry
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tunnels. that's a look at spaghetti junction. this is brought to you by your toyota dealer. buy right the first time and you'll save more in the long run. back to you. i think now, baltimore is starting to realize, well, super bowl sunday -- let's get over it. it's an excuse to have a it almost bit -- to have a little bit of a party. would you agree, ron? >> yeah, and as you get closer to the game, people are revved up as we say. >> okay. >> all right. >> i want to show you something -- >> i'm looking forward to the black eyed peas. well, okay. >> we're at atman's. i want you to check this out. this is a brand-new dish here at atman's. i want you to think about this.
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we'll tell you the name of this dish at the end of the segment. think about it! >> all right. >> okay. >> james holloway. >> if he can come up with the name, we'll send him the sandwich. >> mark, this is your busiest day of the year. >> well, we have corn beef cooking. we have a lot of corn beef cooking. we're excited and we're gearing up. this year, no snow. thank you very much. we're excited and we're gearing up, getting ready for action. >> how much corn beef are you selling on sunday. >> one ton. >> 2000 pounds of corned beef. you have to cook 4000 --
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>> ron, ron! we know what it looks like, i want to find out the amount of corned beef. >> you want an average corned beef? >> how many, how many pounds is that? >> six pounds. >> multiply that out. >> we cook them like six at a time. that's a lot of work. >> yeah, we know. you're getting ready to expand? >> yes, we're getting the permits and getting ready for action. we're looking forward to having a little bit more size so we can take care of the customers better. that's been our goals in terms of serving our customers. >> your dad was a legend. >> yes. >> we want to show the sandwich. >> well, this has corned beef,
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turkey, salami and swiss cheese. anything you want on there, we'll put it on there. some people like roast beef and some like pastrami. we threw on the corned beef and the swiss. we'll give you a little bit of mustard with it. it's $39.95. >> hey ron! >> have you come up with the name? >> no, but an amazing stat. they'll cook 333 corn beefs themselves and if they're cooking six at a time, 55 different cooks. >> and i think that's called the green bay packers. >> o.k., that's a good guess. i'll let mark do the honors. >> this new sandwich available on super bowl sunday is the lombard trophy.
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>> oh, that's great! that's great! >> lombard street, of course. >> well, i would love to see roger goodell holding that up. >> oh, gosh. >> all right, ronnie. >> i feel so sorry for you guys. but i'll send it -- to you any ways. >> go to >> don and i were at the health care for the homeless last night. i wanted to thank measuring and debbie atman for giving back. >> our pleasure. >> and our friends, thank you. >> guys, that's it. >> we have to go. have a great weekend. we'll see you monday in fell's
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point. >> can't beat that. >> only in baltimore, hon. >> i'll let you. >> next on wjz -- >> it's very fearful to expose something personal about your life. >> i'm mary bubala, state senator, lisa gladen reveals a secret. find out what it is and why she wanted to talk to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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[ female announcer ] most women in america aren't getting the calcium they need. but yoplait wants to change that. only yoplait original has twice the calcium of the leading yogurt. that's 50% of the daily value ♪ so pass on the news and we can help close this calcium gap together. to get you started, we're giving away a million free cups at yoplait dot com. the yoplait you love, now in a 4-pack. try it today.
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this lady has hidden the fact that she has multiple sclerosis for 15 years. >> reporter: good morning, senator gladen's story is so inspiring. she hid a diagnosis and she refused to let it define her. >> reporter: rising to prominence in annapolis over the past decade, lisa gladn was keeping a secret from earn. -- from everyone. she has multiple sclerosis. >> reporter: that's a lot to
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live with. >> i didn't tell anyone. my mother knew. i live a life where i'm an open person. once i shared, it not only helped people, but it helped me. >> reporter: long before she was the vice chair of a senate committee, she got the shock of her life when her doctor told her she has ms. for the first time, she's ready to talk about it, she's hopeing to inspire others. >> reporter: were you nervous that people would perceive you differently and treat you differently? >> i'm nervous about it now. it's fearful to expose something very personal about your life and expect people to treat your the same.
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they just don't. >> reporter: medication makes it manageable, but she lives a life that exhausts most. she lives with and cares for her mother and travels to baltimore with her rescue puppy. >> reporter: do you fear that you won't work? >> it probably will. i can't stop it. i can't change the way life is. it can't change about what's on the plate of life for me. i can make the things i have in front of me the best i can. >> reporter: she wants others with ms to grab life and live every day with the fullest. >> it was important for me to share it. they were trying to decide what do i do. >> reporter: most aren't like you? >> yes, they are. >> reporter: no.
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people worry about things. you don't. >> i live an incredible, wonderful life. if it catches me, if it does, and i can't do anything else, i'll have no regrets. i've done everything i wanted to do. >> reporter: mary bubala, wjz, eyewitness news. >> she may lose her site. but she's seen everything she needs to, she said. >> straight ahead on wjz-13 -- >> reporter: good morning, i'm andrea fujii. jurors may decide if two brothers are responsible for setting a pit bull on fire. were they caught in the act? we'll explain in a live report. she filled her son's mouth with hot sauce in the name of
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discipline. the authorities are weighing in. governor o'malley delivered his state of the state address, we'll have the highlights coming up. >> >> and we're watching first warning doppler weather radar, we're gathering moisture down to the soul. does that mean more winter weather tomorrow? we'll explain. >> he's coming off of his first probowl appearance. he'll join us on coffee with. we'll talk about what he's doing for the super bowl. stay tuned. ,,
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host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? host: what, do you live under a rock? man: no way! man: hey rick check this out! anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save 15% or more on car insurance. caw caw! [ director ]what is that? that's a horrible crow. here are some things that i'll make as little portals. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of my life so i've got to take care of my heart. for me, cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] got something you'll love to keep doing? take care of your heart. you can start with cheerios. the natural whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. brrrbb... makes you feel ageless. [ male announcer ] it's time.
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love your heart so you can do what you love. cheerios. [ bob ] squak. it's friday! >> sharon will have the traffic in a moment, marty has the weather now. >> we'll start out sunny and we'll end cloudy. here's the first warning doppler weather radar. we'll show you why it's going to get cloudy, gathering moisture down to the south is moving our way.
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take a look at the graphic. the low will get slow. that will be farther out west that could bother us. we'll have more coming up shortly. sharon is seeing more cars, would she see more problems? >> well, the one big one at 19 # -- 198. it's moving to the shoulder. you'll want to watch for delays approaching that one. watch for fire activity at what are grove alley. at har grovevalley. there's the drives and speeds around the beltway. we're not seeing delays out there. that's a positive thing. the topside and outer lupe are running at full speed. we can look at the eastside. that's looking good.
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there's the westside also. this is brought to you by your toyota dealer. you'll find quality cars and trucks. toyota, moving forward. back to you, marty and don. at the top of the news, it's time to look in the mirror and find out what's important. that's part of the state of the state address. as kai jackson reports, one of the goals is getting hi-tech companies to come here. >> reporter: as the lawmakers clap for governor o'malley, they understand the urgency to put the hands to work. maryland is doing better. >> better isn't good enough, not with so many out of work, so many businesses just barely holding on. >> reporter: jobs is a top priority for the administration. governor o'malley says that cutting edge facilities are
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critical to the state's future. >> passing this legislation could be the difference between running ahead and run anything place. creating thousands of jobs in maryland and seeing them go to other states. >> reporter: education is among the governor's priorities and yet, his tough words will be hard for education leaders to swallow. >> yes, it's level funding, most school systems will have to make the same tough choices that the rest of the government has been making for the last four years. >> reporter: maryland is projecting a $1.4 billion short fall. the cuts won't come easy. >> thank you, and the governor said we should rethink the way we fund highier education to encourage more to graduate on time. and also, from annapolis, we should be able to have wine shipped to our homes.
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joan carter is going to try to pass the wine shipping. she admitted that the details needed to be worked out. the fate of two teen twins is left in the hands of the jury. >> reporter: the defense argues, this is a case of mistaken identity. jurors haven't reached a decision in the case of phoenix. she survived for five days after a city patrol officer covered her in a sweater. that sweater and other evidence is gone. that's a flaw of many that defense attorney's pointed as as they defended the two. >> i'm afraid they may walk and get off. because the baltimore city
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police didn't take this seriously. not until phoenix's death. >> reporter: the prosecutors showed a video of three running from the seen. two were identified as the brothers. the attorneys say it's not their complaints -- clients and evidence wasn't properly stored. >> this is a learning case for the city of baltimore. i say this in terms of the abuse case >> reporter: this morning, he's with family and friends. one of the twins spit at the camera last night. he's held on another murder charge. >> a witness saw the brothers returning away from the seen. don, back to you. thank you, andrea. the twin's 19th birthday is tomorrow, by the way. a woman in alaska used hot sauce to discipline her child.
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on this video, she's seen forcing her 7-year-old to hold hot cause in her mouth. this morning, she's charged with child abuse. and a video houston police are trying to prevent you from seeing. a cruiser hits a 15-year-old wanted on burglary charges. sans he hits the ground, he's kicked and beaten repeatedly. 12 officers have been disciplined and four indicted on official oppression. another incidence caught on camera. check out this video. it's a police van speeding
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towards and striking a few pedestrians. it continues without stopping. it's scenes like these that has the officials calling on the egyptian government to do something. >> there's a clear responsibility by the egyptian government,ic colluding the arm -- including the army to hold those responsible for the attack. and mubarak said he wants to step down, but he's afraid to do so. the country would spiral into more chaos. the first batch of iphones for verizon sold out fast. existing customers were able to get an upgrade at $200. the iphone is released on verizon next thursday.
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this 38-year-old pitcher has won more than any pitcher in history. no other pitcher has beaten the orioles more than pettitte. it will cost $750, but it could be worth a cool million dollars. check this out. ♪ >> nah, i'm good. >> steven shoester created this ad. it's up against half a dozen other final lists. -- finalists. if any makes it to the top, he'll make a cool million dollars. >> i have to be honest, i'm
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over this thing. you know what i do during commercial breaks -- and once it starts, it's another game. i go to the restroom. here's my redecorated restroom. i just need to take one minute and talk super bowl. i would like y'all to look closely. i openly said that i wanted steelers to beat the packers. it's more about routeing for your league. all you'll hear was to get here,the steelers had to beat the ravens two time in a row. our legend grows on their coat tail. frankly, we like being the bad boys of the afc. this is alluring.
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that swalier and reputation grow if they win. if the packers beat the steelers, the fans all over the country will go, they beat you? the steelers beat you twice, they couldn't even beat the packers. i couldn't live with that. but trust me, the steelers win, i'm not breaking open a bottle of molet. , we're not in the game. we're wearing a raven's shirt today. there are reasons you want the afc to win sunday. i just layed them out to you. it's not a hard concept. we'll move on. >> i'm hoping it's a good half time show. >> coming up on coffee with, former ravin, it was a beloved raven. this years he's in the probowl.
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he has dinner reservations at 6:00. also, what he's doing this weekend. we'll put him on the spot a little bit. sharon has traffic, we have first warning doppler weather radar. stay tuned, we have a wintry mix coming to your neighborhood. also, love is in the air. valentin's day is 10 days away, we want to see photos of the person who makes your heart sing. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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here's the the forecast for the day. the low 20s right now in westminster and bel air. 28 in annapolis and kent island. here's the gathering moisture down to the south. it's going to move our way.
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the flow is pulling warm air up and not along the coast. many miles inland. look at how far you have to go inland to see the wintry mix or snow. as the flow moves our way, we'll hit the low early on. maybe at midnight. temperatures are going to rise. we're going to have a mix of rain and sleet. this is for a few hours overnight. 80% of the weather event is going to be a cold and damp rain. that's tomorrow and it will be ending at 4:00 to 5:00 tomorrow. we have a bigger issue to discuss, to be honest about it. 40degrees is the high this day and there's the late night and early morning mix with sleet. 30 is the low at midnight. temperatures will rise at 40. it won't be a deal where it's like, when is the temperature going to rise in the
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neighborhood. we shouldn't have colder air damming up. we won't have that dynamic. what i want to talk about is the five-day forecast. we have a few different sources saying, well, there's a low here and there. it's moving towards the east coast. frankly, they're not going to become a union. we'll have a few difference -- hold on, here's the five-day forecast -- you won't have a bigger storm approaching the mid-atlantic on monday and tuesday. maybe a few fakes. what i'm concerned about is what happened wednesday. long range computer model -- all of them, they're forecasting a big event along the east coast for thursday. that's including the mid- atlantic. that's a rarity. for as calm as this looks, there's trouble coming. keep an eye on thursday.
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what awaits you, here's sharon. we, not many major issues. we have a disabled vehicle at 295. meantime, that car fire is still there at 198. that's not blocking lanes at this point. we have fire activity blocking lanes in the city at east 22nd at what are grove alley. -- taking a live look outside, that's the westside running smoothly at liberty road. this is brought to you by your toyota dealer. toyota, moving forward. back to you. this morning's cough can have is with mahali. ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to baltimore, one of the greatest ravens of all time. how are you?
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[ cheers and applause ] . >> great to be back. i'm doing well. >> a nice job in the probowl, you were given major prop. great season with the falcons. you know, you have a good career going now. well done! >> thank you, thank you. you know, eight years in the league. got a probowl, not bad. >> which probowl? >> well, finally to a probowl. i've been trying to get here. >> was the probowl itself fun? was it everything you always wanted it to be? >> oh, it was all that and more. you know, getting a chance to, you know, taking snaps at michael vick and geting to block for jackson and peterson and seeing peyton manning walk by and hanging out withdrew
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breeze. it was amazing. -- and hanging out with people like drew brees. >> and it's like old times. >> well, we didn't have to hit so hard this time. >> where are you going to watch the super bowl? >> i'll be here in dallas for my own little shin dig. i can't play in it, so i'll throw my own party. if you would like, i'll tell you about it. >> i do want to hear that. by the way, i saw on facebook, someone was going to dallas to see the old boys, is he going to be there? >> i didn't know he was going to be there.
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but now i know, i'll give him a call. >> what do we have we're all salivating here in the studio? >> to have a good party, you have to have the plates and napkins and utensils and the trays for the food. to get that party stuff, you have to go to dollar general. they have everything you'll need all in one place. plus, they have great deals, low prices every day. even though i'm in the nfl, i love a great deal. i want to enjoy myself after i finish playing. after the essentials, go to the food, the snacks. tostidos take snacks to a great new level. they have two new flavors. they're just good. you can't have good food without good drinks. i watch my calories.
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i have a few ladies at the party and they like to watch their calories, too. pepsi max is the drink of choice. it has a lot of great taste. everyone's happy. you have your party now. >> dollar general, good folks find peel. leave my chips and snack foods alone, we're voting you out of office, those who want to take the salt away! >> how did we do? >> i'm saying, feel free to eat. we have to run, listen, you had a great year, have a great off season and safe season next year. >> thank you. >> fullback, that's a dying breed in the nfl. you know what?
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if you have a good fullback, that's good. who are we seeing on fox every day? harris. he was more of a fullback than a running back. >> i was just thinking of third and 19. >> which quarter? >> we're taking a break and coming back with more of eyewitness news morning edition. [ male announcer ] 95% of all americans aren't getting enough whole grain. but actually, it's easier than you think, because general mills big g line of cereals is america's number one source of whole grain at breakfast. there's whole grain in every box... ♪ ...from chex... to cheerios... to lucky charms. so you can get the whole grain you want with the taste you love. get started on the whole grain you're missing with your favorite big g cereals.
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forecast calling for increasingly cloudy skies and a high of 40. now over to sharon gibala with
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traffic control. hey, there, good morning, everyone. there's a look at the speeds and drivetimes around the bellway. there's a 12 minute drive time. taking a live look outside, that's the westside. no delays there. everything is running smoothly in and out of the tunnel. this is brought to you by disney on ice. this is starring princess wishes. this is february 9th through the 13th. get your tickets today. city jurors will continue the trial for brothers who were accused of killing a pit bull. they're charged with animal cruelty. stay with us, complete news, weather and traffic and more on the crisis in egypt.
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more on the crisis in egypt. supporters and row w ,,,,,,,,,,
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